Monday, June 7, 2010

Equitability Rating

We'll have a 1 to 3 scale for equitability, with 1 being awful and 3 being awesome!

3- All the workers are treated fairly. They are made sure to have a decent standard of living and the employer takes care of their workplace needs. Like working at Ikea or somewhere progressive like that.

2- A grey area between the black and white of 3 and 1. Number 2 would be like working at the hockey puck factory in Slovakia. You get okay wages. Your employer is doing what is required. But nobody is going above and beyond the call of duty to make your life improved.

1- So this is really bad. this rating is like the coltan miners in the DRC/ruby miners in Myanmar. OR some Nike sweatshop kid making shoe soles. It's just bad!

For this I would give plastic bags a 2.5. Because really the only labour required takes place on the oil rigs. And from what I've heard you get treated pretty good on a big operation like that. Not quite a three because the people who work in the oil business in third world countries don't get amazing treatment. But still, it's better than being a ruby miner.

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